Friday, November 17, 2006

The Pope and I

For all who wanted pictures of what I'm doing . . . here's what I'm doing. Chris's hand is in the way, but that's me anyway! I love B16.


Nancy C. Brown said...

How lucky, how blessed you are! I cried when I saw your picture with the pope (I love him, too). I cry at a lot, but anyway, thanks for sharing this, it's wonderful and a memory you will cherish all your life.

Anonymous said...

Oh, you are so lucky! Just a tiny bit jealous; I'm so glad you got a picture of it! That makes the whole trip worth it, doesn't it? :)

Ria said...

I must admit I am more then a tiny bit jealous, I simply have to go to Rome someday!

Sheila said...

I bet you'll get a chance too, Andreth! If you just get up early enough, it isn't too hard to get to the front. There are a lot of tricks that help.